Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Leaving Office

I wonder if I am running down that same road. The road where I am looking for something wrong so I can run away. Maybe I enjoy being the one who has to leave someone because they are too this or not enough that. I don't know exactly what my issues are, but I recognize that I have them. And I've tried to be pretty mellow this time, I've attempted to not just make judgements. But... there is just something off.

I mean, why the hell does he live in a house with six roomies? A house that is disgusting? He says it is because he doesn't like to pay rent for a place he isn't at that often. But... it seems a little to weird. And why the clunker car? He says it's because he doesn't want a car payment... Maybe he is just a tightwad... but part of me wonders.

When does it become okay to talk about financial things? I am not a money whore, although I appreciate money. But... I don't want to be supporting someone again. It just seems so off. Something is just very very wrong. But how do you ask? This is suppose to be a serious relationship, one where we have a future. But I feel as if the lies just are paramounting.