Monday, November 23, 2009

Full Moon

Disclosure, this is a rant blog.

New Moon broke box office records this weekend with the biggest opening weekend in history. This is not what annoys me. Nope. It is the response from movie snobs and annoying people that is my problem. If you don't like the movie that is fine, you are allowed your personal feeling. What I don't care for is the snobby nature of people complaining about this.

I saw the movie opening night. I love the book series. There is nothing wrong with that. And there is nothing wrong with the millions of people who are reading it. I imagine the same people crying about the records haven't read them either. Guess what, the books may not be literary genius, but they are good reads and any author that can get a generation of kids reading rather than playing video games is good.

There is not an end of movies as we know it. There is a huge following for the books and so there is going to be a huge following for the movies. It doesn't matter what critics say, it doesn't matter what movie snobs think. These people enjoy the books and want to see the characters come to life, even if it doesn't meet your standards.

Move on people. If you don't like the movie don't spend your dollars on it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My foot tastes icky

Today has been an testy day. It started off with someone throwing me under the bus. Then a decision I made in an attempt to make things better bit me in the ass, hard. Now I have a horrible headache that nothing is fixing. I even took pills... and I hate taking pills.

I am going to wake up in the morning and just pretend that today didn't happen. I am aware that this will not make the problem better, that I am just avoiding. But guess what? Every once in a while we all get to do this.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I now hate HGTV

House hunting is more than a fantastic show on HGTV. Actually, because I truly value honesty, it has been one of the worst experiences of my life. That is saying a great deal, especially if you know anything about my marriage and subsequent divorce.

This market is horrific. Everything is a short sale. The few houses that aren't short sales are snatched up in the blink of an eye. The BF and I finally made the decision, or two decisions.. we made two offers.

The first one that was accepted is actually next door to where I am now. It is an older home, but I have a certain comfort level. I know the neighborhood. I can yell at the neighborhood kids and they take my word as law.

The problem is that the house failed (and I mean FAILED) the inspection. The chimney is on the ground in the backyard thanks to last weeks horrific windstorm. The basement bathroom and crawlspace have black mold. There are multiple negative slopes... I could go on and on. We walked away.

Now we hope (and pray) that the other home, the newer on that should have no problems, comes through this week. The agent for the seller has been less then ethical. My agent and I were discussion the possibilities of filing a formal complaint. He told me "most people just walk away and let it go, because it is a hassle". Ha. He does NOT know me. I strongly believe on following through, it's all about the principal for me.

While I may have a passionate need to stick it to him... I am intelligent enough to know when to start my battle. That would be after he finally pulls his shit together and we get the house.