Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Home Sweet Home

It has been a long, if not wonderful, week. I am so glad to be home. My Aunt is doing very well and as the doctor said "almost over the hump".

I've slept most of the day, trying to catch up on all the missed hours of sleep.. or the hours spent sleeping on a hard couch in the waiting room. I can't even begin to explain how excited I am to sleep in my own bed... even if it will be filled with two cats who missed me.

I will possibly take weeks to rid the bags underneath my eyes. It looks as if I packed my entire closet there.

And St Louis... what is with the sudden disappreance of BBQ?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Is it only Monday?

Friday I flew into St Louis with my mom. My Aunt has been having heart problems nearly as long as I can remember. She had a bypass surgery when I was in my early teens. Four years ago she had to have a pacemaker/defib. Then... last year her heart, well it pretty much gave up. She spent countless days in the hospital and we weren't sure she would pull through. She did, miraculously.

Since that time she has been on the heart transplant list, technically what is considered the second list. These are the people that aren't severe enough, but still need a new heart. Last week her heart had another episode of just not wanting to work. She was rushed to Barnes-Jewish Hospital in STL (one of the top place for heart transplants). The outcome was grim. She would either leave with a heart or not leave at all.

My mom decided to come out, see what she could do. No one really knew what was going to happen or how quickly it would. All we knew is while it was horrible that she was in such bad shape, it meant she went up to the first list. She was actually number 2 on that list.

Sometime on Thursday she moved up to spot number one, still we had no idea how long of a process this would be. When my mom and I arrived late Friday we went into see her. She looked better than expected and actually was doing so well that they were thinking of sending her home Monday(today). That was a scary thought but all we wanted was what was best.

We had a late dinner and then proceeded back to the apartment. My mom and I, still on Utah time, didn't get to bed until after midnight. I was half-awaken by the sound of some phone but didn't fully register anything until my mom came running into the room "They have a heart, THEY HAVE A HEART". I shot out of bed before she could get the second part out. I threw on a bra and shoes and we were ready to go. The call came in at 3:03am. We were at the Hospital by 3:15. I was able to get three woman, well over the age of 50, in the car and to the hospital in less than 15 minutes. Let me tell you, it is no easy task. Especially since I had never driven to the hospital before.

It was a potential heart and we didn't know until just before 5am that it was a match. She was in surgery by 5:15am and out almost 7 hours later. The surgery went as well as could be expected. Things have been slow since. At first the heart wasn't working like they wanted, so they kept her sedated, to give her body time to do it's thing.

As it stands today, she is doing well. They just took her off the ventilator and plan on slowly weening her off the pain med, which she apparently wasn't very thrilled with (and who can blame her). Her kidneys and liver aren't doing 100% (which is actually pretty normal). So the news isn't stellar, but it isn't horrible.

I would like to thank:

Jennifer at BJH, for being a wonderful case-worker. She has put us up in a temp housing unit for people pre & post transplant. It cost next to nothing, is fairly close to the hospital, and has a kitchen.

Barb and Daniel, two of my Aunt's nurses. They are extraordinary people and make me question whether I should have been a nurse (I thought about it, a lot, when I was younger)

The STL police, or hopefully. I ran a few lights on the way to the hospital, and you happen to have cameras out here (stupid!). So when you see that license plate... try to refrain.

And to all the people who have sent me thoughts and prayers. It has been a long few days (feels like a week) and it makes it a little easier to here from you.

Hugs and kisses!