Sunday, November 16, 2008

And this is why

Me: I know you are a closet lover of ANTM
BF: Not even close, I have a better chance of marrying my ex-wife
Me: Which one?
BF: At least I divorced them in a timely manner
BF: almost a whole presidental term went by for yours
Me: Nice

And we are hillarious

Friday, November 14, 2008

Tisk Tisk

Did I mention that yesterday after realizing that I am finaly free I got myself a little present? Well I did. It was a toss up. I really thought about finishing my tattoo. The first part of it I got done after I ended my marriage, the second part after I healed from what happened... it seemed fitting to get the final part done as I closed the chapter. And I will. But that isn't my present to me. This is

And I noticed that the picture makes my fingers look fat... which they aren't. I love the ring and feel it was money well spent. I love it more than my wedding ring, which I also paid for. Fancy that.

And tisk tisk to whoever is using threats and violence against the LDS church. I am infuriated with the church's involvement, but intimidation and acts of violence are not the answer. You have made yourself look worse then they have and given the entire cause a bad name.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Time to celebrate

Once I am no longer knocking on deaths door. Has anyone else contracted this nasty cold? I am pretty use to being sick, so it takes a lot to knock me out. This one has knocked me out cold.

But.... onto the celebration

As of October 28th, 2008... I am officially a single woman. I can now take my last name back, legally. It is such a wonderful feeling, knowing that the last tie I had to the worst part of my life is over.

Yes it took a long time... but it is so worth it. I was wondering if I ever actually would be divorced.

Thanks to all of those who have said we need to celebrate... you are right. I could throw one huge party... but I think I will let all of you take me out on your own. Hey.... three nights of drinking vs one... I'm not stupid.

Cept... No red wine. ;)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Equal Rights are not Different Rights

It wasn't too long ago that this nation went through the extreme process of desegregating. After years of seeing blacks as second class citizens this country finally made the decisions that "all men are created equal" didn't mean all men accept for those black ones.

So why is it that today, in our supposed informed times, we are going through the same type of segregation?

The passing of Prop 8 in California was much publicized. And for those of you that aren't aware... it wasn't the first such ban, nor will it likely be the last. But it was the first time that Utah's own LDS church became publically involved. The church solicited it's members to make donations.

Now the laws on being tax exempt actually do allow this, what isn't allowed is the endorsement of a specific candidate running for office. So what the church did is legally okay.

Funny thing about laws, they may make things legal, but they can't make them right.

Thursday evening my dear friend said to me "I am sick of all this news on prop 8, it passed, get over it". Now... I was surprised to hear this from her, because her father is gay. But I know where she is coming from. How defeating must it be to know that there are a majority of people in a state that feel that her father doesn't deserve the same rights as she? My response was that you should fight, never stop fighting.

What the church did was morally wrong. In their attempt to keep the "moral integrity" of marriage they solicited a campaign of hate. A campaign of bigotry. They asked their members to deny people of the same rights that they experience. Thank you LDS church for showing your true colors. In addition thanks to all the other congregations that are attempting to keep the sanctity of marriage. You all of shown exactly why it is that I don't attend church.

Sanctity of marriage, now if that isn't an oxy-moron in this day I don't know a better one. How is allowing two men (or two women) who have been together for a decade the right to marry breaking this? When we allow people to get married drunk in Vegas, and annul it 48 hours later? Where is the sanctity in that? Or how about the marriages between a man and a woman that end after months or even a year? I can say, with absolute honesty, my marriage wasn't one of sanctity.

Oh... but if we allow gay marriages then churches have to perform it? Really. Fuck me, that has to be true, cause you said it was. That is why the LDS church lets anyone get married in the temple. And they let woman hold the preisthood. That is why my parents church allows women to be pastors. Oh wait.... they don't? Well... they have to, cause of equality and all.

The end point of this is that we obviously haven't learned from our countries history. Equal rights do not mean different rights. So thanks LDS church and California for stripping citizens of their equal rights.

And the rally and protest on Friday....

It was fantastic. The turnout was triple what people thought it would be. There we stood; gay, straight, bi.... families, fathers, mothers, grandmothers, teenagers, single adults... all in agreement. My god loves all of us. My god doesn't discriminate. Keep your church out of our bedrooms. Equality will prevail.