Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sketchy Scratch

Last night, after slaving for hours over a paper, I decided to wash my car. I know that it will likely rain today, but it was so dirty from weeks of rain and dirt. I gave the baby the whole treatment, wax and everything. This morning I was leaving for work and noticed a scrape on the driver side door. I know, since I spent time lovingly stroking her fine paint last night, that the scrape wasn't there. And since I came straight home from there and parked in my spot (next to my garage mind you), this happened sometime in the middle of the night.

I have apparently annoyed someone so much they have decided to come and scrape up against my car. My money is on Hitler. Hitler is the president of our HOA. I worked with Hitler for a year. And worked is really not the right word. I argued, yelled, and screamed trying to get my voice to be heard. I am a loud person, Hitler is louder. Finally after formally calling her a dictator last weekend and baptising her as Hitler I decided to resign. Guess what, I am one busy bitch. I have way too much going on to waste time fighting someone as crazy as Hitler. Good luck HOA, running with two candidates can't work.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Only in Nebraska would money be spent on a walkway across the interstate.