Saturday, August 23, 2008


It's time for me to vent.... and instead of giving you multiple vent blogs I will get all of it out in one silly little thing.

I hate when incompetent people manage to act competent enough to get a job. And they stay just long enough to royally fuck things up. I have no issue picking up the slack. I am a team player and I know stepping up will beneift me. But... it sucks that it is now when my own work load is horinduous and when school is out of control. I just want to take some time off.... from everything.

I hate when people believe, and I mean BELIEVE, that they are better than everyone else. You are a no-good-peice-of-shit-excuse. Take your attitude and shove it. I actually felt sorry for you, now I feel nothing.

I hate people that allow themselves to be victims. And then turn into the problem.

Ahhhh... goodnight.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hello, my name is....

Lindsey. And I like The Hills. *GASP*. Yes, I am going on 30 and watch a drama about people in their earlier 20s. I won't even begin to analyze that one. The point is that I love the show, no matter how distasteful that love is.

I will say this. If my boyfriend EVER just even thought about talking to my family the way Spencer does to Hiedi's.... well let's say it wouldn't be pretty. I can't help but wonder if god forgot to give Heidi common sense when he was handing it out. The girl is stupid. And so was I once, a long time ago. Maybe that is why I am so attracted to this show. I see a little of myself in Heidi. And no it isn't the blech blonde hair, fake lips or fake tits.


When in a funk, I suggest you go to the following website lol cats

It will entertain you for hours.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm having a bad "me" day

Seriously. I have entered a funk. I went to bed at a very reasonable hour but still couldn't get up this morning. I haven't felt like this in awhile. The worst part about it is not really understanding where it is coming from.

Likely it is because I am stressed. Work is out of control busy and there is no end in sight. I am picking up the peices of a bad employment choice and it gets me annoyed. This class in school is killing me. More reading and writting than ever before. While it is a subject I really enjoy I just can't commit to it.

And I don't want to be in Utah anymore. I just want out. I go through this occassionally.... hating Utah. There is no specific reason, no way that it is brought on. I just start hating it here.

It will all pass, just as it always does.

Friday, August 8, 2008

And the hits keep coming

Ah, yet another reason to be, er, um, proud?

Doh! No more Beer!! It's the method of the devil."

WHAT? There is nothing that says college football like a cold one. In fact, for me, it is an excuse to have a delicious beer at 10am in the morning (don't judge, my team is in the central part of the country).

And no surprise about who is leading this... well some surprise. What the hell is the U's athletic director doing? Doesn't he know that the U is the liberal-going-to-hell college? I mean... what kind of message are you sending to young high school students? Being in cohorts with the Y. Shame shame.

Seriously though... never happen. First reason, MONEY talks. It talks loud and it talks fast. Second reason... BEER RULES. It's an American tradition, getting beer drunk watching college football. Dear lord, please don't take that away from me.

And come one. Why in the world did Utah colleges have to lead this fight? Why do we continue to want to be the moral compass of the country? I am going to say this for the umptenth time..... alcohol is not bad. People all over the country drink it and manage to do so fine. They don't pay for "memberships" and they don't buy their alcohol for state ran stores. And it works. I can say that we, on average, suffer from the same outcomes as states that have more liberal drinking laws. But.... Some long time ago (not at the conception) someone in some church decided that alcohol was the fuel of the devil. This was of course after this church had been brewing their own booze. Silly god, sending angels to speak to people.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

One of the guys, and other ways to not attract men

I hate hearing it. In all honesty I hate when women complain at all about not being able to attract men. Attraction is natural, you can't force it. If someone isn't attracted to you, well they aren't attracted to you. Accept it and move on.

The worst form of this complaint is when a woman complains that she can't attract men because or even though she is one of the guys. I have a friend who was making this complaint to me. She said being one of the guys wasn't working for her. I looked at her dumbfounded. What does she understand the phrase to mean?

Before I go any further let me say I find nothing at all wrong with being one of the guys. Infact, I usually consider myself so. I get along well with men because for the msot part I don't fall into the category of stupid girl (although I do have my moments).

Being one of the guys means exactly that, they see you as another friend, a girl that doesn't have all the girl problems. It means that they can hang out with you, do fun things with you, and be themselves around you. It means that they appreciate your ability to just be their friend.

It is not a stepping stone into a relationship. If you think it is then you should look at your approach.

And what is this obsession with attracting people that aren't attracted to you? Attraction is immediate. It doesn't really grow. You don't look at someone who doesn't attract you and think, "hmmm... maybe in time". Or maybe you do. I'd say if you do that your are heading down the path of most resistence.

Attraction that grows or is forced is likely fleeting. We are attracted to people for all sorts of reasons. Physically, emotionally, spiritually, comedically (is that even a word?).

I am not saying that there aren't circumstances where being one of the guys leads to dating a guy, I've had it happen in the past. It also didn't work. Because you are consider one of the guys. You aren't allowed to be one of the girls. A man that build attraction for you based on you being one of the guys will lose that attraction when he can't see you as such anymore.

Of course this is all in my very humble opinion.

Monday, August 4, 2008

The hypocricy of it all

Utah. Land of the mormans. Land of the temple, not to be mistaken with Disneyland. I try not to offend. But... I'm gonna. So if you are easily offended stop reading now. There really is no need to subject yourself to something you know will offend you.

Around the 24th of July, our State's biggest holiday there was a trajic "accident". A 52 year old man was experiementing with "fireworks" and a 10 year old boy was hit with shrapnel and is currently in a medical induced coma. The boy will never heal fully, he will always have to walk with a cane, that is if he doesn't lose his leg.

As you notice, I said "accident" and "fireworks". I actually don't believe this is a true accident. Now, I am not saying that this man set out with a purpose of hurting the child, but... come on. This was not accidental. This was negligence. This man knew what he was doing. He knew the inhert risk associated with his homemade "firework" (actually described by police and ATF as a IED).

What makes me sick, I mean what really turns my key.... "He's asked for forgiveness, it was an accident". This is what people here are saying. People that, no doubt, belong to the same religion as he does. A religon that believes that once a person has asked for forgiveness or has repented that it is in god's hands and not those of the law. This is the same religion that has protected child abusers because they "were sorry". The same religion that will stand up for their own but are quickest to persecute others.

And people wonder why I don't like religion anymore?