Friday, April 30, 2010

We're not there... Yet

Earlier this month I spent a week of my life, a very long week that I will never get back, participating in the residency program for my doctorate. It was hell. And when I say hell I mean HELL. I spent five days getting up at 6am, far earlier then my normal routine. Spending over 8 hours in class discussing theory and practice and how critical thinking, reading, and writing impact our lives and learning experiences. If that wasn't enough I usually spent the next five to seven hours in my hotel room reading and writing papers. Then I slept, if I was lucky it was for a full six hours before the entire routine started over again.

It was a great experience, I can say that now that I am almost two weeks past it and back home. I finally think I have some good ideas for my dissertation, which I will refrain from boring you with. I made some great personal and professional contacts and was introduced to this online phenomenon called linked in.

I hadn't given much more thought to my stay there until this last week. The residency was in Phoenix. It was my first time visiting the city, and while it was pretty (in that way that I imagine the gateway to hell is pretty), it wasn't my cup of tea.

This week Arizona decided to pass a new law. The law makers will tell you that their intentions are to fix the valid immigration issues that their state faces. They are now allowed to demand proof of legal resident from anyone. Yes even YOU would have to show proof.

I am disgusted. I am outraged. I am really sickened by this legal racism. I will also tell you I UNDERSTAND, there is a problem with our immigration policy. I do believe that not acting has lead us to this point. I know that illegal residents are a drain on our already thin tax dollars. Believe me, I understand there is a problem and I know that we need a radical solution.

This isn't it.

I can't believe some of my more sane friends are behind this law. They say it isn't racism, that people are over-reacting. They say you shouldn't worry about providing papers if you aren't doing anything illegal. Sigh, my friends. Ask my sister about my stance on allowing things to happen with out a fight. She tell you I have a very hard stance, I don't give an inch in fear that they WILL take a mile. I am not an anarchist, just a realist.

Our country was created to provide us certain unalienable RIGHTS. That we are all created EQUAL. This Constitution was drafted by some that would these days be considered ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

My ancestors on my fathers side came here legally as did many of those that are four or five (some even two) generation American. The difference? Immigration policies were much lighter then. We were the land of the free in the brave. This was the place that people came to escape poverty and oppression. In 1965 our country passed the Hart Celler Act to remove quotes.

I will take a moment to step off my soap box and tell you a story about my time in Arizona. I stayed in a hotel and each day saw one to two different employees. Every day I took two cabs, never having the same driver. Through out the day at the University I encountered a number of employees. Every evening I would walk to a different hotel and enjoying dinner. I even walked to the gas station on a couple of occasions.

In that entire six days I was there. I never once encountered anyone that didn't speak English. The only time I really encountered someone of Hispanic descent was once with a cab driver and the custodial service at the University. The custodian was very friendly and we had more than a few conversations.

I will not pretend to know the percentage of Hispanics in Arizona but I was surprised, in hindsight, that I didn't experience what some have called a change in the population. So each day I was around approximately 10 employees of various companies and never found myself to be in the presences of someone that could be considered as an illegal immigrant. How is that possible?

The companies make that possible. These companies (Extended Stay Hotels, Quick Trip, Discount Cab of Phoenix, Sheraton Hotel, and University of Phoenix) are the SOLUTION. The PROBLEM isn't the immigrants it is the companies who continue to employee undocumented workers. Why aren't the republicans crying wolf on this???? Because they support big business and those many companies that line their pockets would cry foul if they were to stand up and speak out.

People are escaping here for a better life. Companies across this country are giving them the incentive to do it illegally. Instead of ripping families apart and endorsing state sanctioned racism, lets start fining and arresting those who every day take advantage and rob legal citizens of all races and nationalities.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Chicken Santa What?

So my current mission, which I accepted but have yet to commit to, fully, is to bring my lunch every day and dinner every night. (Ah, the pleasures of working two jobs).

I decided, with the help of a nice sale at the local grocery store, to purchase a number of Smart Ones meals from Weight Watchers. This was for two reasons, I remember, a long time ago when I had accepted this mission (and failed) that they weren't half bad and really aren't loaded with calories.

Yesterday I enjoyed two very nice meals; Teriyaki Chicken and Veggies for lunch and Lasagna Bake with Meat Sauce. I was very pleased with both meals. My lunch was just the right portion size to be complimented with fresh fruit (god I love fresh pineapple) and the sauce was great. The chicken didn't have that frozen-meal taste or texture. The lasagna wasn't dry and the sauce was nice, if not a little too sweet for my tastes, but all-in-all a great meal (with a nice pear on the side).

Today I grabbed the Chicken Santa Fe and Home-style Pot Roast, both part of the Bistro collection. I wonder if my definition of bistro is wrong. Maybe in Weight Watchers lingo Bistro is more similar to vomit?

I'm fairly certain I have throw shit up that looks more appetizing then that. I ended up eating only the chicken as I was unaware that it was possible for black beans to become drier.

Le Sigh, it is safe to say that I am not too interested in my dinner meal. Tragic.

And where the hell did the spell-checker my blog go? Are the blog gods not aware that I am possibly the world's WORST   least competent speller?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Schools Out

I must preface this blog by stating that I am the daughter of an educator, so I will also state that some opinions expressed are likely to be slightly influenced by this.

Utah, like many states, is seeing a budget short-fall and one of the areas that is taking a hit is public education. I can not think of an area that can not lose money more. Education is the foundation of life. With out adequate education we are sitting up the children of our future to fail. Look at my generation and compare them to the current high-schoolers, I imagine you will see a significant difference in the importance place on education.

Sadly, I feel too many parents over-look the importance of education. They see it as free baby-sitting. I am astounded by how many of my friends can't wait for their child to hit 5 so they don't have to worry about day care. And full day kindergarten? WTF, how is a five year old at all expected to sit through 8 hours of class? Give me a break. If you have a child you have MADE THAT DECISION. With that comes sacrifices, one of those being time/money to watch that child until they are of age to be left alone.

And on that note, how dare people have more kids than they can afford to educate. It is ridiculous how many parents receive more money from the state of Utah than they paid in taxes because of the number of children they have popped out. These parents are free-loaders and are just as much a harm to society as those who abuse other state assistance (welfare, etc). But as they are saving those souls floating around in heaven, I guess it is forgive.

Wake up parents. School is not free, and it isn't solely the responsibility of underpaid and undervalued teachers to educate you children. The buck doesn't stop there; it extends to when they are home. Quit sitting your children in front of the TV for hours of mindless shit. Take some time to read to them, create structure and SUPPORT education.

Robbing our children by reducing the amount of money we supply our education system will continue to deplete this country of informed and educated adult, something we are already sorely lacking.

How about we have a lottery, let those of us heathens who enjoy a scratch ticket or two help support education?

How about we quit allowing students to waste a period a day to leave school for religious reasons?

Why dump so much money into sports, what are they bringing to the table? I'd rather cut sports any day than art programs (yeah, that is the liberal side of me talking).

There is an answer here and I pray it doesn't become cutting what is already a very empty pocket.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Buttars Brother

I think Chris Buttars has a brother from a different mother.

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) said Guam might capsize. He says he was speaking figuratively. I am not sure it matters. Take a moment before you ask a question and think, "how will this sound when it is replayed over and over and over".

Of course Buttars says stupid and hateful things. Johnson just said something stupid.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Remind me, why do people want to procreate?

I hate bullying. Detest it. I grew up in a small town and was not one of the popular girls. I was friends with all the guys, a tom-boy, and very tall and very skinny. I was bullied all of the time. I survived. In fact, I think I should thank Tanya for helping to build the strong and independent woman that I am today.

Kids will be kids. Right?

I HATE that excuse.

Yes I was bullied, incessantly. The difference between when I was younger and now. There wasn’t the internet. Bullying took place at school and then it was done. It didn’t follow me home. Sure, Tanya could tell everyone lies about me, but she had to spread them, person to person. Now all the modern-day Tanya has to do is update her facebook status and *boom* within a few minutes the entire student body could know the lie.

So I hate bullies, pretty obvious.

Know what I hate more? Parents of bullies. Administrators and teachers at schools were bullying takes place. Ignoring a situation for whatever reason WILL NOT MAKE IT GO AWAY!

Take young Phoebe Prince, a beautiful soul who took her life to end the daily torture. My heart goes out to her family and I hope that the DA continues to push hard and throw the book at the bullies. Felony charges are completely justified and shame on those who think differently. While they are at, and I RARELY support this, sue the school.

Of course the administrators are know claiming that they didn’t know it was this bad. That no one had complained. And maybe, as an immigrant family, this is partially true.

I am not sure yet if I will chose to be a parent. Stories like this make me wonder if it is worth it. The pain and anguish of growing up was hard enough experienced first hand. I can only imagine how much worse it is seeing a child go through it.

For All

I have fully avoided talking about health care. I acknowledge this. Normally I am the first to jump on the political bandwagon and voice my ever-so-present opinion. This time I have refrained. I guess now that a bill has passed it is time to speak up.

I believe that health care is a right, not a privilege. I believe that we all should have equal access to doctors, medicine, hospitals, etc. I believe that it should be affordable. I believe that the current health care system is a big fat in-you-face failure.

I don’t know if I support this current bill.

It is hard, to be for health care reform and disagree with this bill. I strongly believe that there is reform needed but I just don’t think this bill is the answer.

Pre-existing conditions are unfair. Take this example. A man and his wife decide to have a baby. They have health care through his employer. He is let go due to the struggling economy. She works from home so doesn’t have access to work-sponsored heath care. She is three months pregnant and now has no health care. He can pay for Cobra (usually over $800 a month). But as they have just lost their main income, this is going to be tough. They can not find private health care because her pregnancy is a pre-existing condition. How is that fair?

The cost of private health care is astronomical. Take another example. My friend is married and her husband is self-employed. She stays home with their two daughters. They decide to have another child. Understanding that they do not have insurance she signs-up for a program with her doctor that allows her to pay (in advance installments) for the cost of visits and delivery. There are major complications. Her son is born with a hole in his colon. He has to spend the first month of his life in the hospital. Their total bill when all is said and done, over $200K. Is it fair that medical bills bankrupt a family?

We need reform, understandably and unequivocally. But this current bill mandates that every person has insurance, everyone has to purchase it. Pre-existing conditions are now gone… but can anyone say whether the astronomical costs are? My biggest problem with this bill? The government lay in bed with the insurance companies. Those devils that deny claim after claim to make a profit. Also, some states (even my home state of Nebraska) have special privileges while others do not.

I don’t know the answer, and will not claim to. But I do know when something stinks and this bill does. You can’t pass a bill just to pass one and then hope to later clean it up.