Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Baby it's cold outside

And for your information, it is still cold inside. I am going to take a gander and say that my company has decided to cut costs by freezing us out. Maybe there is a hope that people will quit because it is so damn cold in here.I have news for them... I won't be one of those people. I am on to their game.

I am leaving for Vegas tomorrow.... I get to celebrate New Years somewhere other than SLC. It is a treat. And maybe this is the naivity in me.... but I assumed Vegas would be warm. Nope. As of now they are only 10 measly degress warmer than us. I want more then that!

I did break out one of my wonderful Christmas gifts....

Now I no longer have to spend WAY too much money going to Beans and Brew. I can make my own mocha or latte. Now... way back in my days I worked at a place where I had to make these fancy drinks all the time. So last night as I try it out for the first time I just stare at the machine, unsure of what to do. Apparently making fancy coffee is not like riding a horse.

I will leave you with a nice tid-bit

Rex: Ok I did... I lied... I like the buzz
Bob: I bet you do
Bob: Whore!
Rex: Who you calling whore?
Bob: Um, hello... I am not the one who is pregnant, so obviously you
Rex: haha, no that just means you are frigid and cold hearted

Sigh... Rex is right. Bob is such a frigid bitch

Monday, December 29, 2008

Welcome Back Kotter

It is freezing in my office. When I say freezing I mean my nose is cold and I have to continue typing just to keep my fingers warm. Now like any responsible building, our heat is turned low over the weekend, especially long weekends. Every Monday I go through this exact same thing, I freeze. So explain to me why it is that if we are intelligent enough to turn down the heat we can't turn it up in enough time for above freezing temperatures when people come to work?

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas (or other Holiday). I must say I am glad it is over. As much as I enjoy shopping for people, baking cookies, and having long weekends... I am ready to get back to the grind. I was finally able to dig into the cleaning that I have avoided doing since I was sick. Have you ever had cleaning that needed to be done so badly that you put it off? Then when you finally get to it you have to make a mess to clean up? It blows. But now the front room and kitchen look liveable.

And the snow. Dear god. I wanted desperately to be any where but here. I can't remember the last time we had this much snow... wait I can. It was back in 2004. I was on the couch in my apartment Christmas Day, still recovering from surgery. I looked outside and thought how lucky I was to not be in the car on the way to Nebraska. My brother decided to be helpful and clear the driveway for my dad. What we learned was that it was a two person battle. I should have been the one to move the car, my brother managed to get it stuck. But thanks to my wonderful ability to retain useless knowledge I remembered a little blip I saw on the weather channel. They were discussing being prepared for road trips in the winter. "Keep a back of kitty litter in your car". Now don't be silly. It isn't in case you find a stranded kitten, but to give your tires something to grip on when you're stuck. That and a good push and we were done.

Can you believe this crap? Jeff and I finally gave it up after we realized in the fight with mother nature.... We were getting our asses kicked!

Well, I should probably get back to my hectic schedule of busy work. Don't fear that I will freeze to death... I found a space heater.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Female Band Seeks Drummer

No, I haven't deleted my myspace page yet. I intend to... I don't even think I've logged in. See, this is why I will delete it.

It is official. Meow Meow Thievery rocks. This is the official name of the new and improved band that Halls, Morgie and I rock with. We are sans drummer but make up for it with our awesome rendetion of One Way or Another. I love Blondie. And to be honest (cause I always am), we sucked it at Blondie. Could be because we were exhausted and my left wrist was starting to swell. We should solicit a drummer. I suspect it should be another female.

Halls is the whore of the group, rocking in a short skirt showing her chonies. And she is known to girrate when we finish a song. Surprising to anyone? I think not! As for Morgie and I, were are less whorish and more talented. Wait! Hall is making up for her lack of talent by being the whore. Ah Ha. Kidding, Halls is not a whore. Her RB character is.

We only play once a week, if that. So in spite of the lack of practice we still rock. ;)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Where do we live again?

Utah, a place of many wonders. And... in case some of you were unaware, it snows here. Every single year we get snow. I know, shock and awe. Not as bad as other areas, but moderately bad. So.... explain to me why it is a surprise? I know we get a few new people into the state every year, but the amount of Utard drivers is amazing to me. My morning commute sucked! What normally takes me 20 minutes too well over an hour. Why? Because people don't understand how to drive in the snow.

Lesson for all of you, just because you have a truck, just because you have 4-wheel drive.... DOESN'T mean you can drive fast. Trucks have little weight in the back making for an excellent spinning tool. 4-wheel drive is for rough terrain, not to stop from sliding on a sheet of ice. I digress.

And how is it that it was snowing when I got up at 6 and an hour later when I was leaving there still wasn't a plow to be seen? I know that our taxes go to something... pretty sure plows are part of that.

And this guy? He's effin crazy!

Monday, December 15, 2008

The end of an era

I was a late comer to the game of social networking. I think I was about 24 when I first heard of myspace. Forgive me for me inability to stay on top of fads, I was worried about other things...

But oh the wonderful things that myspace gave me. There is the good, I was reaquainted with MLo, actually in all honestly I am not entierly sure if that was how we started talking again. I met the BFF randomly, while I couldn't sleep. If I had been functioning normally I never would have replied and where would I be now? With out wonderful stories about the Iron-Welding-Bridge-Troll and BiPolar Girl. I found some fantastic blog buddies and developed great friendships, via the net. Although two of them I have met.

Then there was the bad, like that one irish mucisian guy.... the breast feeding blog (she deleted it otherwise I would have linked it), people that didn't agree with some of my more opinionated blogs. And the ugly... Like Cheetos (WORST MISTAKE EVER), the EEEEEEEEEEEE guy, and other random people that I could have never met.

And now.... Well.... I don't really like myspace. I am on maybe once a week. I quit blogging there. I quit most of it. I just don't like it any more. It has gotten... well trival. That or I have just grown up. I miss the conversations, the silly comments, reading all the blogs. But the site just doesn't do it for me anymore.

So I get ready to wave a farwell. The only thing that makes me sad is losing all the wonderful correspondence. Some of the funniest things I have ever read were sent to me on myspace.... Check out time is now.

My Christmas Wish

In all honestly I don't even know what I really want for Christmas. World peace, an end to poverty and hunger, equality for everyone (this means even the gays, thanks again scum in Cali), no more homeless pets (Bob Barker is a god, listen to him, spay and neuter your pets and quit buying pets from breeders)... But those concepts are ones that we all should wish for.. okay the breeder one may not be on everyone's list.

I love Christmas, I love shopping for people (yes I know, how very commercial of me). There is something about the face a reciepent makes when they open your gift, it is just wonderful. I love sending cards out. Although this year instead of wishes of ass smacking and highly inappropriate notes to the BFF I will send nice loving cards. Except to MLo, pretty sure his mentions something about hoping that he is alive.

I just realized that I am going to have to post two blogs. Because there is something else I want to tie in to hear that just isn't going to work for this blog.

I have been debating what to get the co-workers, and I have finally settled... instead of a gift I plan on making a donations to The Road Home and the YWCA. I encourage everyone to open their hearts and their pocket books (wow, what a quaint little line). Even if all you can afford is $10, go to the grocery store, bargin shop and spend ten dollars on non-perishable food items and take them to the food bank. If you really can't afford anything, I know times are hard, call up The Road Home, The YWCA, or any other shelter and ask how you can donate your time.

Tis the season for giving, so give to those who have fallen on hard times. There are more people than you know who are one paycheck away from being homeless.

Hugs and Kisses and Holiday Wishes,


Monday, December 8, 2008

This may come as a surprise

I HATE the Utah Humane Society. And when I say hate, I really really mean it. Now, don't get your panties in a twist. I am a firm supporter of adoption. I have two cats that were adopted and we also adopted our dog. And my parents have adopted animals our entire life. I am always for adoption. But the Utah Humane Society... well if I had sweaty balls I would tell them to lick them.

After I had Cleo for a few months I decided it was a good idea to get another kitten so she had someone to play with. I of course went straight to the Utah Humane Society. I found an adorable little kitten, spent close to an hour playing with. I then spent close to three hours waiting and going through an interview process (where they ask way too many completely insignificant questions). Then another 30 minutes of waiting to only hear "Oh, we're sorry... there is actually a wait list for this kitten". WHAT. My answer "This is ridiculous, you better be very happy that I don't have a child with me." Because how would I have explained to little Susy or Tommy that the cat they had fallen in love with and spent half the day with wasn't going to he theirs?

When my sister wanted to adopt she went to the Country shelter because I told her under no circumstances was she allowed to go to the humane society. She walked out and hour later with her cat.

The following story is something that has unnerved me to such an extent that I am thinking of writing a letter (and it didn't even happen to me).

A guy at my office got his daughter a cocker spaniel puppy. The next day they had to rush his daughter (I think she is 5) to the ER. She was in the ICU with what the doctors thought was an allergic reaction to the dog. He did the only thing he could do, he sadly gave the puppy to the Humane Society. He knew that they would be able to find a purebred cocker spaniel puppy a home in no time. The next day the doctor's discovered what was wrong with his daughter and it wasn't the dog. He went back to the Humane Society first thing and explained the situation, along with a note from the doctor. They refused to give him the dog back.

So a girl that works with me heard the story and her and her husband thought "well we want another dog". So she goes to the Humane Society the next day and goes through all the same crap I did. Because the dog had only been there for two days they weren't able to release her right away. So two days later, after not hear back, she called and finally was able to get ahold of someone. The person at the Humane Society said "we noticed on your applications that you have a daughter". Yes they do, she is two years old "well there is someone here who is very familiar with the breed and say they are known for biting young children, they aren't a family friendly breed". WHAT?

Okay. My blood was boiling. I don't think I've been this upset in forever. I had a cocker growing up, my grandma had multiple cockers (my mom grew up with them). I have a cocker now. My parents have a cocker. Their cocker was my BFF's old cocker and he had cockers growing up.

Cocker spaniels are some of the best family dogs ever. They are extremely loyal and loving.

My friend is going to write the humane society a letter. Because I guarantee you that someone there wanted the dog.

So for those of you who are thinking of adopting an animal, please don't go to the Humane Society. Check out the Salt Lake County Shelter and the many city shelters around.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanks to you, a little late

The other day I was having a conversation with someone I work with. She was telling me about all the craziness that is her family, all the drama that are her friends.

I had to step back for a minute. It is times like these that I am reminded that I have a lot to be thankful for. There are very few people that are blessed with the family dynamic that I have. How many people can live with a sibling at my age? How many people consider their sister their best friend? How many people look forward to spending time with their parents? (Unless of course it is shopping with my mom, I never look forward to that). I have a kick ass family. Sometimes I am just reminded of how that isn't the norm. Which is too bad. I wish everyone could have the same.

I also have some of the best friends in the world. And I can appreciate that. There was a time when the friends I had weren't that great. The BFF is fantastic. We were driving home from the airport (his flight was late, again) and some how we got on the conversation of significant others meeting people. "You are always the first person they meet, then my brother... if they can past those two tests they are golden". It is the same for me... You meet the BFF first, if you pass that test, then you meet the family. Then there is Rexy Poo. I am rarely prouder of anyone. She has had some very hard times, but like me, chose not to dwell and become a victim, but be a survivor.

Then there is the BF, who is just fantastic. He doesn't put up with my random shit (I try to work with him on that, but he seems to be quite stubborn). He makes me laugh, and he makes my stomach flutter.

So that is what I am thankful for, the wonderful people in my life. I am glad after all of these years I am able to surround myself with people who compliment me and add to my life.

Oh yeah... I rarely have naughty dreams... rarely. So when they come on they are usually quite random and suprising... this one was the most random and surprising ever. Tisk Tisk.

Monday, December 1, 2008

God hates me, and maybe Jesus too

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was fantastic, even though I lost the game of dominoes. And don't go getting all jealous. Yes my family plays dominoes. It is fantastic.

Why is it that certain exes follow me around? I mean I have one ex in my life that I am fine with, it is by choice... but the annoying ones that kind of just show up..

Dear god, please quit sending reminders of my past in the form of losers to me. I am aware that I made some poor decisions in my quest to prove things to myself and others. Is it necessary to send Reagan, the bigamist to my desk? Can't we just let bygones be bygones?

And Jesus, talk to your dad. Remind him that you love me. Kay? Thanks!

Hugs and kisses,

At least I look kick ass today.

And the conversation since you asked so nicely

Reagan: I thought that was you, how are you.
Me: Great.
Reagan: Oh, well I'm doing good too.
Me: That's great
Reagan: Wow, you're just too talkative
Me: Oh I'm sorry, were we going to pretend to like each other? I thought we covered this when you stalked me at Beans
Reagan: I didn't stalk you. I just saw your car there
Me: So you stalked me
Reagan: I just wanted to say hi and see how you are
Me: Well that has been accomplished. Now if you don't mind I am rather busy this morning.
Reagan: God you always were a bitch
Me: Only to fuckers.
Reagan: You were the one that broke my heart
Me: We dated for like two months, give it up. Can't you go find one of your multiple wives and cry on her shoulder. Seriously this isn't the time nor is it the place. In fact this conversation doesn't need to be had.
Reagan: Maybe I will stop by your place and we can talk then.
Me: Do it. I'd love to test out my mace, I haven't had the chance to use it in so long.
Reagan: Like you would
Me: Try me
Reagan: Well I guess I should leave
Me: Probably
Reagan: Talk to you later
Me: Probably not

Yes... Claire got a huge kick out of it