Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Compromise is a four letter word

Marriage is all about compromise. I understand this and mostly, the husband and I compromise fine. I do the laundry (he helps out with this) and am in charge of dinner. He cleans the horrible cat litter. Very nice trade.

We are currently in the process of painting and decorating the spare bedroom, office, and kitchen. I have these very specific design ideas in my head. I literally have all the color scheme and decor picked out, in my head. My husband has a new nickname, dream-crusher. We have very different design pallets. He has accused me, not in the exact words but the intent was there, of being a gay man. Okay, I will take it! Gay men tend to be very creative when it comes to design.

We have yet to fully agree on anything and instead are compromising all over the damn place. This is great and I know this is how it should work. But can't he just say, "You make all the choices". This would be so much easier for both of us!

(Thanks to the husband and father for hanging the chair-rail. I love it!)

2 comments: said...

A sweet story that illustrates the fragile relationships that come into our lives and then somehow dissolve into space, the way sugar dissolves in a tea cup - leaving us with memories
that eventually evaporate with time. said...

A sweet story that illustrates the frafgile relationships that come into our lives and sthen somehow dissolve into space, the way sugar dissolves in a ea cp - leaving us with memories that eventually evaporate with time.