Monday, June 13, 2011


I was doing really good with the not smoking. I mean honestly it SUCKED. The first night I went on a mad dash through the house looking, because I was certain, somewhere was hidden, a cig. I even went so far as to check the hubby's car. I was slightly crazy. Luckily at that moment my quit coached called me. She talked me down from jumping.

Fast forward to Friday. I get into work and realize DOH, I forgot my patch. And I do good. Until 10 am. And then I CAN NOT HANDLE it anymore. So I caved. And pretty much failed this entire weekend.

I hated myself for doing it... but... well yeah.

So started fresh today and surprisingly I haven't had that urge. It's been since about midnight last night and the patch seems to be doing it's intended job.

Work tends to be easier because there are so many tasks that keep me from thinking about it. I am hopeful that some yoga tonight will take my mind off of it.

That and the fantastic grilled Caesar salad I plan on making.

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